
Thinking outside the Bawx.

Snow day with Devo



Every neighbourhood has “that guy”, we all know the type, loud cars, louder music, always something going on. For my quiet grown-up suburb, I am that guy, and when friends come to visit? It gets even worse.


We’d gotten somewhat of an ice storm, but friend of the website Devo was still keen to show off his car to me for the first time, and I was more than happy to point my camera at it. We headed up the street to a quiet Elementary school parking lot to hit some angles and get some practice in.

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Gotta say, Devo is pretty crazy for driving this thing year round, fixing what he breaks, putting up with limited grip and minimal ground clearance. It paints a good picture of what we’re all like here at Bawxcars. We haven’t got the money for winter cars or daily drivers, so we beat, break, and fix our project cars.

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Thanks Devocat, I’m now scouring autotrader and craigslist for something rwd to trade my car for. Bugger.


Did I mention it was icy?

2 thoughts on “Snow day with Devo

  1. Crazy that he drives that thing during the harsh winter lol. Kudos to Devo and Jett for the awesome photos!

  2. In our country we call these guys Bemmiguy, because most of them have BMW. đŸ™‚

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